October 27, 2011

Sketch Book 10: Head Studies

Some more head studies.  I don't particularly like the way these turned out.  They are done well, but some of the minor facial features are not very structurally sound - more along the lines of the specific personality traits.  But, the expressions turned out very good.  Also, I wouldn't mind learning some more blending techniques.  I just don't like the grainy effects of the charcoal paper.  I like drawings to be smooth.  But, that's just me.  I'm only a novice at using a blending stump.  The darker side is pretty good, but the lighter side I'm having difficulties with.

1 comment:

  1. As Z would say, "Structure structure structure!" Don't go into the rendering part unless your structure is strong.

    One thing that helped me improve my drawings of features and just the head in general, was understanding ALL the planes on the head.
