October 29, 2011

Mysterious Rose

This is a some what old illustration I did back for my portfolio when I was job hunting at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con.  Actually, at the time Lady Mirage was just released by one of my favorite artists Kenneth Rocafort.  This illustration looks much like fan art for Lady Mirage, however at the time I illustrated this, I had no idea about Lady Mirage.  You can call it fan art if you like, but it wasn't intended that way.

This is made of marker, ink, and colored pencil.  Colored pencil after it sits for a while does what is called "wax bloom" which is where all the wax rises to the top putting a glossy sheen over the picture.  I pretty much hate wax bloom.  It was hard to take the photo of this because the glare, scanning doesn't work well with the wax bloom as well.  Natural media, always looks better in person.  Scanning and photos can only do so well, but nothing compares to what your eyes can naturally pick up.

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