October 24, 2011

Norman Rockwell Hobo Master Artist Project Part 3 Finish

All finished with this one!  I love how this turned out!  It's so fun to do these studies of my favorite artists.  Norman Rockwell is just so good.  Hope you enjoyed the start to finish process on this.  It took a little longer than I had planned due to the fact I had to attend Jury Duty for a week.  That really put me behind schedule, but it ended up being a good experience.  In any case enjoy, and be inspired.  If you're really wanting to improve your skills as an artist, I suggest doing the same thing.  Find an artist who is better than you, and push yourself to create what they did.  It will help you figure out how they got to that place in their drawing.  It'll help you also to reach higher peaks as an artist too and develop your own style.  Which is something I'm doing myself.

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