June 23, 2012

Denver Comic Con Logo Rip

The Denver Comic Con was a big success with over 20,000 attendees!  Wow, that was a magnificent weekend. 

I'm posting this blog to mention my logo for the con I designed and posted back in January 22 of this year 2012.  There were several out there who used the logo with out my permission.  The Denver Comic Con does not own this logo, it's a personal work I did to help promote the event.  In the end my biggest concern is to help make the con successful and professional looking as it's Denver's first big comic con.  I'm glad to see that it was used and got exposure, but it is not fair to the clients got permission and paid to use the logo.  If you want to use anything professionally from my blog, please simply contact me.  You can view my contact info on the "Contact" tab on top of my blog.

June 10, 2012

saint02 and Denver Comicon

Upcoming this weekend is the Denver Comic Con (June 15th - 17th, 2012) where I have the privilage of being one of the four artists who designed a limited design available from Tornado Bandz for the Denver Comic Con.  These can be purchased at the con from their booth, or directly from their website (http://www.tornadobandz.com/).  This is a limited run, so hurry up and purchase yours, or buy one at the weekend of the con.  They're about $29.99, and you can enjoy styling a nice necklace to represent the Denver Comic Con.