October 27, 2011

The Sea Fairy Kingdom Project 4

This is something that should happen more often, but should happen more on the beginning of the design project.  The composition kept annoying me, and I sat down and looked at the original composition for a while and browsed through other under water illustrations and photographs.  What's very amazing about under water ocean life is the coral reefs, the strange plant life, the countless fish, and the very powerful and fearful large creatures of the deep.  I decided to explore more of the world these fairy-like creatures lived in.  So, I needed to change the perspective to show more of the under water life.  I decided such creatures needed to live in a ravine to keep them safe from predators much like most every other sea creature.  I'm just quickly added some color flats to help show the atmospheric perspective.  Depth is now being used and is easy to perceive.  As I start building the depth and exploring the values and color intensity of the foreground this illustration is going to be very powerful.  This illustration has been a very big learning experience for me.  Especially, since I've never done an illustration like this before.

I really want to explore my style in this composition, and push it to it's limit.  So far it's coming along nicely.

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