October 2, 2011

Sketch Book 6: Hand Study in Black and White Charcoal

Here is a hand study I did for class.  It's drawn on Canson paper Steel Grey I think.  It's a nice mid tone paper.  When drawing in black and white you typically draw using 5 values.  This paper works nicely as the 3rd middle value.  So when you draw, you draw the dark side of the value scale in black charcoal, and the light side of the value scale in what charcoal.  I usually don't draw on toned paper, but it's fun.  It helps me divide light and dark in my mind when drawing.

In this study, I think I could push the core shadows a little more to help divide the reflective light from the core shadow.  In some areas it is done well, but in others it can be pushed more.  The thumb side perhaps is pushed a tad too much, but then if the pink side of the hand was pushed a little more as far as core shadows go, then maybe it would bring more of a proper balance in the drawing.  As far as a composition goes, I probably should have made the ring finger the focal point of the drawing making the highlights there and the shadows there more intense.  Looking at it now, there is not one clear focal point that stands out.  From first glance, this is a good drawing, but on the second and third glance there is room for improvement to take it from great to a master drawing.  Pushing your drawings beyond your current skills is perhaps the hardest thing to do.  But, reaching new heights is very thrilling as an artist.

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