September 17, 2011

Sketch Book 2

A little study of Kazu from Air Gear.  One thing I like to do is to study from other contemporary artists.  It's a good way to learn from other pros, practice drawing, and help develop your own style.  This is a good way to learn how to draw and increase your own level by mimicking other artists.  Of course, you need to practice drawing your own characters too.  The top drawing I drew from the manga, the bottom drawing I made up myself based off of the first drawing to see if I can reproduce Kazu in my own mind.  I can tell the quality is not as good as the original, but it's definitely close.

Another Air Gear study.  This is of Ohm, though, I changed her air trecks into normal track shoes, they're obviously not as cool as her original air trecks.  One thing I like about Oh! Great, the man behind Air Gear, is the dynamic poses he uses in his manga.  He is a master of foreshortening and perspective.

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