September 12, 2011

1000 Hits!!!!!!

This is a little over due, but I'm very happy to present the 1000 Hits picture!  I'm so happy that this little blog is starting to get some recognition and that it's starting to go somewhere.  I have not been feeling well as of late, so sorry things have slowed down.  However, I'm starting to feel much better and am looking forward to many great things to come.  I have just come back from the NDK 2011, the biggest anime convention in Denver at the moment, and I am glad to say that I am inspired to get out there finally.  
Just a little heads up, I am working on a children's book and a web comic.  I have some art commissions to work on at the moment too ^.^!  Unfortunately, I don't know how these will come out or when at the moment, so just keep your eyes peeled but don't hold your breath.  Another school semester has started, and that's going to be taking up some time.  I will also be making some changes to this blog to try and make it a little more awesome.  Thanks! 

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