July 30, 2011

Back to San Francisco

I am so thankful, I will be going back to San Francisco this August.  I will be finishing my art education at the Academy of Art University in Game Design.  I'm very excited to move back there.  I've been taking online classes there during my time here in Colorado.  They have been great, I didn't have to drop out of school moving back to CO, but I'm very excited to get back into a traditional class room with my fellow students and friends.  I will be focusing on my portfolio these next semesters, so I should have some very nice art work popping up here soon.  I have to say I'm so thankful to God for taking care of me and providing a way back to SF! 

A picture of Union Square from  http://sanfrancisco.about.com/od/photogalleries/ig/Photo-Tour--Barbary-Coast/Union-Square.htm