April 16, 2011

Good Advice

A teacher of mine, who goes by the name of Z (http://zimoutan.blogspot.com/), once told the class to look around the room and look at the competition, and to then look at himself who also was the competition.  That was a little intimidating and eye opening for me.  Z is pretty freak'n good at what he does.  If we were competing for the same job, I'd loose, every time.  It was inspiring for me though to push myself through his class realizing that it's not about just passing classes at the Academy, but pushing ourselves to become professional material.

I miss the community of the Academy (AAU), but at least I still have the AAU online community which is, well... not as good as the real thing.  Online, classes are not very inspiring to say the least.  So, I try to spend some time to see what the global artistic community has to offer for inspiration in helping me reach that professional status.  Low and behold I found something stunning and awe inspiring.  It was an illustration of Catwoman, by a favorite artist of mine Artgerm, that was posted on Deviant Art.  This is the kind of thing I like to look at and say, "Hmmm, this guy is going to put me out of business and have me begging on the streets unless I do something about it someday."  There's many things I can do to try and remedy this problem, but I can't afford to pay off an alien abduction at the moment.  So, I'm stuck with alternative method of honing my skills and trying to hit the target Artgerm and many other artists have set so high.  It's a challenge and I like it.  By no means do I mean to become Artgerm or any of my other favorite artists around the world, but I like to think of myself as having a fighting spirit welcoming the challenge of one day being worthy of competing at that level.

Some day, will I be an artist others will inspire to be like?  In an case, I hope I am an artist that is inspiring to others.

This is from Artgerm's Deviant Art page, http://artgerm.deviantart.com/#/d34sb4z.

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