March 6, 2011

Future Plans in Akiba

Well, I'm planning to go to Tokyo - Akihabara to be precise.  I'm looking at taking a summer camp program at Digital Hollywood University.  It will be a grand opportunity to practice my Japanese, and meet some professional animation and game studios, as well as meet some fashion studios and get the scoop on the Shibuya 109 building.  This last year the DHWU summer camp students got to meet Studio Ghibli and I believe a Namco developer.  They also meet with some J-Pop style fashion designers which will be a nice bonus.  If all goes well, I'll be going the summer of 2012.  My portfolio would be ready by that time, I hope.  One of the things I learned when I went to the San Diego Comic Con is that there is a very high level of talent out there, so you best be ready when the time comes!  But, I also learned that many artists out there are skilled enough to get work, but they're too timid to give it a chance.  I thought I was pretty good when I went job hunting at the SDCC a couple years back, and I quickly found out that compared to most - I suck.  But, I also found out that there is work out there for up coming artists that aren't experienced or very skilled yet.  In any case the future looks exciting.  Tokyo, I look forward to walking your busy streets and getting to experience life there.

Akihabara is a city of the future. You know this to be true because of the giant killer anime school girls that attack the city periodically.

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