February 24, 2011

Rosenkrantz - Vagrant Story

Here is an illustration of mine I did Winter of '09.  It is colored using a technique of mine, which looks way better in person (sorry this isn't a professional photograph).  It is on heavy illustration board and is composed of marker, colored pencil, ink, and acrylic in the background.  The technique makes colored pencil have the feel acrylic or of an oil painting with out the trouble of paints.  However, in the background there is a combination of ink and acrylic used to make thick texture.  This is a technique I've been honing over the years, I plan to someday make a tutorial about how to use the technique, however I'm still experimenting with including watercolor into it.  It might sound like much, but each medium has their own characteristics and can be strategically used to bring out different elements in the illustration.  It's the difference seen between looking at a De Vinci painting online and in person. 


  1. Ayami Kojima apparently uses a very similar technique, but instead is an ink, water color, acrylic technique. I think she may also use markers too, but maybe only for concept work. I am learning how to use water color in the mix, and if I get a chance I will through it in on an illustration of my own.

  2. Sorry, Ayami Kojima is the famous artist who has illustrated most all of the Castlevania artwork. Symphony of the Night was one of her most gloriously illustrated titles.
